Leaders read books – Use this in your next interview

If there is one thing that I’ve witnessed every leader* do in an interview, it’s this…

But before I get into it, lemme clarify the *

* Leader ≠ Manager

Any one, at any level, in any organization can and should practice leadership.


…Ok back to the one thing.

It’s simple – Demonstrate that you read books.

📗 Mention a book that you found inspiring / insightful
📙 Mention both – the name of the book and the author
📘 Find a minute to talk about how it impacted your life / work

Why is this good?

– It shows you are well read (duh!)
– It shows you can take the learnings and apply them in practice
– It makes the interviewer want to have another conversation with you

And that’s a great place to be after an interview!


PS: Listening to a book is the same thing.
PS #2: Podcasts have a similar effect as well.