Category: Quick Tips

  • Right order of activities during job search

    You can do all the right things, but still not get the results you expect.At times the only thing you’re missing is the “right” order. The same applies to job search. You’re taking all the right steps… following all the tips from experts… your day is filled with activities.ok, STOP for a minute. Today, I’d…

  • Work stories will help you nail your next interview

    Work stories will help you nail your next interview

    Nailing a job application or an interview starts well in advance of the actual day you do it. Like years in advance. You and I have worked for years on projects that have consumed us. Now, some of these were a total waste of time, some were nothing to really brag about… But I can…

  • Edges are wonderful places

    Edges are wonderful places

    You’re at the edge. And this is a beautiful thing. I took this photo exactly at the edge – it was a rain storm behind me, and a sunrise in front. It was a beautiful sight, I just took a pause. A breath. And then, kept driving! This is the same for you, as a…

  • How do you talk about your learning in an interview?

    How do you talk about your learning in an interview?

    “Can you describe something you’ve recently taught yourself?”I’ve always struggled with this common interview question… The reason is surprising though. It’s not that I’m not learning all the time – which I do.  It’s not that I haven’t spent time learning anything work related – which I have.  It’s not even that I can’t think…

  • Hiring managers are a distracted bunch – You need a work-around

    Hiring managers are a distracted bunch – You need a work-around

    Maybe the hiring manager has their headphones on? 🎧Trust me, as a hiring manager, I’ve missed some outstanding job applications first time around. In real life, when you call out to someone nearby or start a conversation without looking, and don’t get a response… what do you do? Just look over… and realize – “Oh…

  • Gloom to Boom: 6 genuine ways to help a job seeker

    Gloom to Boom: 6 genuine ways to help a job seeker

    Do you want to help someone looking for a job? No really… do you? Because I can tell you 6 ways you can do that right now! And, I’m not gonna ask you do any of these: ❌ Send them online job postings (they can search themselves)❌ Tell them that the market is “picking-up” (it’s…

  • Start a Work Journal – Your future self will thank you

    Start a Work Journal – Your future self will thank you

    The thing most folks never talk about is how important introspection is for your career! Most of us are simply going with the flow… we have good days and bad days. We often forget the good days, and think too much about the bad ones. That isn’t good. But for some it’s the opposite, you…

  • Leaders read books – Use this in your next interview

    Leaders read books – Use this in your next interview

    If there is one thing that I’ve witnessed every leader* do in an interview, it’s this… But before I get into it, lemme clarify the * * Leader ≠ Manager Any one, at any level, in any organization can and should practice leadership. ——— …Ok back to the one thing. It’s simple – Demonstrate that…

  • Remote workers – Make your home office a selling point

    Remote workers – Make your home office a selling point

    If you’re applying to remote jobs… the hiring team forgot to tell you a few items on their criteria… Let me tell you what they didn’t. Pay attention to the following: ✅ Make sure your camera and lighting are impeccable ✅ Use good quality mic / earphones ✅ Ensure your environment is distraction free ✅…

  • Networking for Introverts –  A simple trick

    Networking for Introverts – A simple trick

    I had a nightmare – I was networking!That’s it. And this wasn’t even the first time. I mostly dread going to large gatherings. But you know what I don’t dread? Having a 1:1 conversation with someone. I love it! 😍 So here’s my hack (inner monologue): ❌ I’m not here to “network”✅ I’m here to…